a setback no matter how the

But Bahrain's decision to invite in hundreds of Saudi troops on Monday signaled that the two governments have grown Coach Shoulder bags Outlet impatient with the U.S. approach and are focused on reasserting control over the streets. Much of the Bahraini opposition, meanwhile, has spurned the monarchy's American-backed offer of a dialogue and remains suspicious of the government's intentions. The hardening of the two sides' positions suggests Coach Leather Hangbags that the Obama administration may face a setback no matter how the crisis is resolved. If the Bahrainis suppress the protesters, the United States may be seen as siding with an autocrat against his people. If the government falls and the Shiite majority takes control — which appears to be the less likely outcome — Washington will lose a key ally and Shiite-led Iran may gain one. U.S. officials acknowledge that they are worried about the increasingly Coach Purses sectarian cast of the conflict, which deepened when the troops of Sunni-led Saudi Arabia and police forces from the Sunni-led United Arab Emirates entered the island kingdom.
Par firststone2012 le mercredi 16 mars 2011


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