A reporter tried to gain access to the Salmaniya Medical Complex but was stopped by buy the rosetta stone english level 3, Learn french, buy rosetta stone french 3.4.5
military forces and told to turn back. Tanks blocked all the gates into the complex. Later in the day, roads surrounding the complex were reopened and dozens of troops, most carrying assault rifles and all wearing face masks, stood at the entrances. But most of the roads around the complex would have been impassable buy the rosetta stone chiness level 3, Learn french, buy rosetta stone french 3.4.5
by ambulances anyway, with barricades of piled bricks, broken glass and overturned dumpsters, some in flames, blocking the way.
A group of five medical workers received permission in the afternoon to attempt to reach local health centers to treat wounded there. But as they left the gates of the medical center, police officers ordered them out of their ambulance, and they were beaten by police and army personnel, said one of the five, who spoke on the condition buy the rosetta stone german level 3, Learn french, buy rosetta stone french 3.4.5
of anonymity. One of them suffered fractures in his hand, the medical worker said.
The heath minister, a Shiite, resigned Wednesday along with 12 judges from Bahrain’s Sharia Court, and the housing minister, also a Shiite, announced that he was “boycotting” government, according to the opposition al-Wasat newspaper.